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Kuakata tourism center (KTC) masterplan

Kuakata, Bangladesh

Kuakata tourism center (KTC) is a proposal that is developed following the structure plan of Kuakata which is developed UDD, Bangladesh. The proposal fundamentally aims to work on the spatial quality of the fabric of the town that is gaining popularity recently among the tourists. The uninterrupted beachfront town will be developed by private and public stakeholders which needs a masterplan to organize different zones that is proposed by the government to attract tourists.  

The initial phase of idea development has been strongly guided by extensive study of the area in three layers. The landscape layer holding the built up programs on its body has been carefully organized in a manner so that it configures the parcels of the fabric or so to say. The infrastructure layer structuring the urban fabric layer accommodates slow and fast moving both land and water based transports. 

The structure plan supporting the masterplan proposes strategies to develop this area as the next most visited tourist destination in an inclusive manner which suggests incorporation and integration of local economy and cultural practices with the newly proposed developments. 


House 479, Road 32,
New DOHS, Mohakhali,
Dhaka 1206, Bangladesh

​ Tel_ +8802 871 5368, +8802 871 4361
Email: info.binyash@gmail.com
Engineering ​
Urbanism & Urban design ​
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