We do strategic planning for any city/territorial/neighborhood scale projects to ensure efficient ecosystem for the physical development of that area.
Structure plan
We do structure plans for any city/territorial/neighborhood scale projects
including landscape, infrastructure and urban fabric layer to guide the future development strategies in a proper manner.
We do masterplans for areas of different uses in different scales. Our work ranges from masterplan of residential areas to mixed use areas to economic zones etc.
We do landscape projects of different scales ranging from city scale recreational open spaces to productive landscapes to micro scale landscape projects.
We do design of infrastructure that includes different typologies of infrastructure layers for fast and slow moving vehicles, motorized and non-motorized vehicles, pedestrian routes etc to ensure the efficient coexistence of different modes of transportation and pedestrian movement in a coherent manner.
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House 479, Road 32,
New DOHS, Mohakhali,
Dhaka 1206, Bangladesh